I first started volunteering as a foster for a rescue organization in Ottawa called Freedom Dog Rescue.
When I went to pick up my first foster dog, Oliver tagged along as I had agreed to look after him for 4 hours until his foster mom would get off work.
I loved my little foster dog, but Ollie stuck to me like glue and didn’t want to be put down nor did he want to get walked.
I thought… I love this dog.
Oliver is a stray from Texas who was potentially displaced from the tornadoes, but he is very well trained and it didn’t take much to house train him either. Oliver has always been and still is scared of some sounds that startle him. When he sees men in the elevator, he sometimes refuses to go in, which makes me think something might have potentially happened to him in the past, but there is no way to know.
Since I’ve gotten him, he has been more trusting with people and especially with men. He’s been going on longer walks and has been walking without asking me to carry him all the time.
I grew up having lots of dogs around the house, but I was trying to see if I could handle having a dog and going to school at the same time. However, one of my friends who was in law school with me at the time was fostering huskies and I thought… if she could do that and do well in law school, then I can do it too!
Four hours after caring for Oliver, I decided I could not let him go and I foster failed him the next day.
Oliver with his mom Emily
AW!! cutie … My two can sympathize with the "has yet to catch one…"
One day…!! Many dogs’ dream I’m sure!